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Company News

Streakwave Wireless Inc. Adds New Distribution Location in Australia with Opening of Streakwave Pty Ltd

SAN JOSE, Calif. (February 12, 2013) - Streakwave Wireless, Inc., a global value added distributor of fixed wireless broadband product...

SAN JOSE, Calif.  (February 12, 2013) - Streakwave Wireless, Inc., a global value added distributor of fixed wireless broadband products and solutions, announced today the establishment and launch of a new distribution and sales facility in Melbourne, Australia ( http://www.streakwave.com.au).  The facility, Streakwave Pty Ltd, is part of a global expansion planned for the firm.  The new location will stock and supply wireless broadband equipment for the growing wholesale demand of both outdoor and indoor wireless solutions.

“We are very pleased to add a new wholesale distribution location in Melbourne , Australia.  Our continued focus is on international growth making Australia a natural fit,” noted Carl Moberg, CEO.  “This new distribution center enables us to provide fast order fulfillment to all major centers; and, service clients by next day delivery to Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Adelaide,” he commented.

With the world-wide growth of wireless broadband, the pace of demand for wireless solutions is growing steadily.   The facility in Australia will stock equipment serving a wide array of vertical applications including:  point-to-point backhauls, point-to-multipoint systems, related antennas, power systems and accessories, and equipment for all other types of wireless and wired network applications.  “Streakwave provides expert service, stocked inventory, technical expertise, and attractive pricing for VARs, dealers, integrators, services providers and vertical market managers throughout the world,” noted Moberg.

About Streakwave Wireless, Inc.:  Streakwave Wireless, Inc. is a marketing leading global value added distributor of broadband technologies with sales with distribution facilities in:  San Jose, CA (headquarters); Salt Lake City, UT; Cincinnati, OH; Curitiba - Parana, Brazil, Melbourne – Victoria, Australia and, Hong Kong.  Streakwave offers complete lines of wireless broadband networking equipment, two-way communications, telecommunications solutions, IP surveillance/security and green technologies from top-tier manufacturers. For further information contact toll free: 888-604-5234 or visit http://www.streakwave.com.

About Streakwave Pty Ltd:  Streakwave Pty Ltd is a wholesale distributor based in Melbourne, Australia.  It specializes in wireless broadband networking equipment, telecommunications solutions, and IP surveillance/security technologies from leading manufacturers.  Streakwave Pty Ltd offers quantity sales and attractive pricing.  Streakwave Pty Ltd is located at: Level 9, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, AU and can be contacted directly toll free: 1300 160 080 or visit http://www.streakwave.com.au.

Contact:  Richard Bernhardt, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications:  Streakwave Wireless, Inc. marketing@streakwave.com or 888-604-5234 or visit http://www.streakwave.com.  

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